Monday, July 30, 2012

Asian Lettuce Wraps

For the sauce:
3 tsp hoisin sauce
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp rice vinegar
1 small red chilli
freshly ground black pepper
2tsp Sriracha hot sauce

For the filling:
2 tsp oil
2tsp minced garlic
1 tsp fresh ginger
2 green onions, chopped
1 lb ground turkey
2 cups mixed veggies (onion, mushroom, celery and red peppers)
handful of plain cashews
Shredded raw carrot

To assemble: Peel back iceberg lettuce cups


Sauce: Mix all ingredients together and set aside

Filling: Heat skillet on high heat with oil. Once pan is hot add garlic, green onions, ginger and chilli and stir fry for a minute (or until fragrant). Add ground turkey, breaking into small pieces and cook until almost cooked through. Add the vegetables and cashews to the pan and cook until they are cooked through but still a bit firm. Mix in sauce and cook until all chicken and vegetables are saturated. Remove pan from heat and transfer contents to a large serving bowl and top with raw carrots.

Serve the filling in lettuce 'cups'.

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